Live a Rich Life - Discover Meditation
Discover Your Authentic Self and Live in Courage, Purpose and Joy

Individual Sessions

Health, Wealth, Happiness
Discover how to have it all

Transformational Hypnotherapy
eliminates addictions, cuts stress, inspires life transition, unleashes creativity, reduces weight, improves relationships, eradicates insomnia, enhances self esteem, heals pain and dis-ease in the body, conquers phobias, and facilitates past life regression.

The Process is a powerful combination of coaching, hypnotherapy and meditation that helps you make positive and lasting changes in your life. This inner journey helps you access and transform negative beliefs of fear, doubt and lack into positive beliefs of confidence, creativity and plenty. The strength, beauty and wisdom that lie within you rise to the surface and become a powerful resource in your life.

"My income has tripled since I discovered, through Transformational Hypnotherapy, how to step into my power, authenticity and creativity."
- Mary Keys, New York

"Pragito helped me to look 'inside' my stress and release it. I am now more confidenet,
relaxed and happy
- David Jayapal, Tampa, Florida

"After the sessions with Pragito I feel lighter, more focused and purposeful in heart and soul. By releasing so much inner clutter, I am filled with courage and trust."
- Mary O'Mara, San Rafael, CA

"What a change I experienced: from depressed, confused and overwhelmed to joyful, creative and clear. I am now excited about my life and seeing productive, real-world results."
- Elaine O'Malley, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Transform Your Life Today!
Call Pragito at: 415.925.9533 or Email:

Pragito is available for Phone Sessions
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HYPNOTHERAPY: A Wealth of Possibility
By Pragito Dove

What is Hypnotherapy? What does it mean to be in a trance? There is no mystery. It is a completely natural and familiar state of mind. When we enter the trance state, we are not entering some awesome and forbidden part of the mind where no human has ever before set foot. We are simply accessing parts of the subconscious that are not normally available to us. Every time we are lost in some creative endeavor, every time we daydream, every time we are driving and suddenly realize that we don't remember that last mile we drove, when we're lost in a movie or a TV program, or when we find ourselves opening the refrigerator door without being hungry . . . these are all manifestations of our slipping into the subconscious mind, of being in a natural trance state.

The exciting possibility is entering the trance state deliberately, with the guidance of a hypnotherapist. Imagine, perhaps, stereo speakers in your mind. On one side you hear the usual daily prattlings of the conscious mind: the planning, the self-criticism, the worry, the skepticism, the wishing. The other speaker represents the subconscious mind, which includes forgotten emotional inputs and traumas as well as a treasure chest of inner wisdom and the true essence of who we really are and what we really feel.

Normally our balance knob is turned far to the conscious side, and we miss being in touch with all of the richness of our other channel. The trance state acts to turn the balance to the subconscious channel side, turning down our critical side and opening us to the wondrous and exciting world of the subconscious. And yet we remain always aware of what we are experiencing, so that our adventures become part of our conscious awareness, and part of our growth and healing.

The goal is integration. By accessing and becoming acquainted with the split off, forgotten, and previously inaccessible parts of ourselves, we can move toward a state of wholeness and completeness, with ever increasing peace of mind.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for personal change. Some of the wide range of personal, emotional, and physiological issues that can be addressed through hypnotherapy include: weight control, phobias, co-dependency issues, healing of addictions, enhanced creativity, self-discovery, health and wellness issues, stress and tension, eating disorders, panic attacks, spiritual quests, death and dying, mid-life crisis, being a teenager - the list can go on and on. You may take trance journeys to meet and heal your Inner Child, to meet your Inner Healer, your Money Deva, Inner Mom, Inner Judge, Spirit Guides, and even your Future Self. The possibilities are as varied as the people who want to explore.

I look forward to continuing to share this work which has been an integral part of my own healing process.
